Cockroach Species, Genus & Taxonomy
Under the Kingdom Animalia, cockroaches belong to the Phylum Arthropoda, Class Insecta, and Order Blattodea. The Order name is derived from the Greek blatta.
Some of the scientific names of the different species of cockroaches are the American cockroach (Periplaneta americana), the Florida woods cockroach (Eurycotisfloridana), the Oriental cockroach (Blattaorientalis), the German cockroach (Blattellagermanica), the Asian cockroach (Blattellaasahinai), the Surinam cockroach (Pycnoscelussurinamensis), the brown-banded cockroach (Supellalongipalpa), the Australian cockroach (Periplanetaaustralasiae), the smoky brown cockroach (Periplanetafuliginosa), the Pennsylvania woods cockroach (Parcoblattapennsylvanica), the brown cockroach (Periplanetabrunnea), and the Madagascar hissing cockroach (Gromphadorhinaportentosa).